Meet jamie michelle
Owner of Online Parties With Jamie - the original online party host! In the last 7 years, she has successfully run over 3000, well-organized, Facebook parties. Whatever your product, Online Parties With Jamie can help you reach more potential customers and network with over 12,000 vendors across the world! If you’ve been in sales a week, or 10+ years - registering for an online party can bring more leads to your personal groups and increase your funnel.
Don’t know where to start with your business? Terrified of public speaking? Need help with closing the sale or recruiting? Consider taking one of Jamie’s three day workshops. They are full of valuable information to help you take your business to the next level.
Jamie has over 30 years sales experience. Her proven track record has won her many awards and achievements throughout her sales career. In addition to her successful career in sales, she has a Master’s Degree in corporate and public communication and a Master’s Degree in education. Jamie is also a college professor, in her 20th year, teaching a variety of communication courses with an emphasis in public speaking.